桧 spa hinoki, nestled in the cozy back streets of Akasaka is a Japanese-style luxury private salon, known for their anti-aging and detoxing Shirodhara therapy. The hide out spa limits its clients to only 6 guests per day.
東京ミッドタウンの裏通りを進むと、ゆったりとした雰囲気の道が姿を現す。そんな小道を奥に入ったところに位置する、まるで隠れ家のような『桧 SPA HINOKI』は1日6名限定の完全予約制プライベートサロン(ヘッドスパ専門店)。

Anti-aging facial treatment, Head spa treatment and the Ayurvedic Shirodhara therapy are the 3 main courses available at spa hinoki.
『桧 SPA HINOKI』では、 アンチエイジング(フェイシャル-表情筋リフトアップ)、 ヘッドスパ(頭皮/毛髪ケア・疲労解消)、シロダーラ(アーユルヴェーダ)の3つのコースから好きなメニューを選ぶことができます。

A treat of cold and subtly sweet elder flower tea pre-treatment.

The hide out spa offers 2 rooms where one could indulge in their private comfort. Couples are also welcome.

Shirodhara therapy
The Ayurvedic Shirodhara therapy undergoes a procedure of slowly and steadily dripping warm flow of sesame oil on the third eye (center of the forehead), which is also known as the 6th chakra (Ajna). This procedure induces a relaxed state of awareness that results in a dynamic psycho-somatic balance. The treatment begins with a neck and shoulder massage while gazing at the comforting sway of the plants on the other side of the glass window. Foot massage comes next once the seat reclines into a bed-like position. Slow oil massage of the back follows, continuing up to the head.. then moves on to Shirodhara where you experience a release of stress and nervous tension while the hair and the scalp becomes rejuvenated. The treatment wraps up beautifully with a blessing head massage and shampoo.

Calming scents of lavender, mandarin and rosemary arising from the facial steamer relaxes you completely amidst treatment. Spa hinoki is a cozy hide out for those who wish to experience rejuvenation and comfort and to release all the accumulated tension and stress in the body.
施術中、お顔に向けられたスチーマーからはラベンダー、マンダリン、ローズマリーエッセンシャルオイルのブレンドが心地よく香り、ゆったりとした気持ちに導いてくれます。プライベートな『桧 SPA HINOKI』空間で揺らぎと癒しを体感し、日々の疲れを身体の外に流してみてはいかがですか。