therapeutic escape with scents of rose and frangipani
Drawn to the idea of cozy afternoons stretching into evenings, with the sun’s rays dancing on the waters of the Nam Van Lake estuary — welcome to my therapeutic escape amidst this timeless space.
Bespoke, contemporary and an elegant non-gaming hotel in the Macau Peninsula, Mandarin Oriental Macau is located in the heart of the prestigious Macau waterfront with stunning views towards Nam Van Lake, the Macau Tower and South China Sea.
南灣湖 とマカオタワーの眺めを臨む、マカオで最も美しいウォーターフロントの中心に位置するマンダリン オリエンタル マカオ。

Waterfront Suite

Located on the ‘prow’ of the hotel, the sumptuous suites includes a bedroom, separate living room, walk-in wardrobe and a delightful powder room.
Towering over the picturesque Macau waterfront, all rooms come with the spectacular views of Nam Van Lake and Macau Bay.
こちらのお部屋はホテルの突端に位置し、独立したリビングルーム、ウォークインクローゼット、パウダールームが備えられた豪華なスイートルーム。 マンダリン オリエンタル マカオのどのお部屋からも展望できる、絵のような南灣湖とマカオ湾のベイビュー。

Signature Laksa at the Lobby Lounge

Southeast Asian delights, signature afternoon tea and healthy bites.
Delectable and a sensory afternoon Laksa fix - rich, spicy, and comforting all at once, on a crisp winter day at the Lobby Lounge, famously known as Macau’s living room.

Homemade Dim Sum Lunch at Vida Rica

The ultimate form of relaxation - a slow, deliberate lunch with tea, where the pace of the meal lets you savour every bite and sip. The tranquility of it all awakens the senses.. the ethically sourced ingredients especially when paired with the flavours of delicate cooking methods, with a touch of Western and Portuguese flavours is hard to beat.
お茶をゆっくりと楽しみながら、一口一口を味わう究極のリラクゼーションランチ。 『ヴィダ リカ』の自家製点心ランチは、特に倫理的に調達された食材と、西洋とポルトガルの風味を取り入れた繊細な調理法の組み合わせが魅力的。

The tea is the perfect way to tie it all together.
Tailored drink at Vida Rica Bar

I took the option to unwind over a customised mocktail while being in the moment overlooking the impressive view of the city’s skyline and the Macau Tower. Looking forward to celebrate and indulge in city’s best homemade pizza and tiramisu on my next visit.
Breakfast Buffet before departure

There’s something about the variety and the delicate flavours of dim sum that make it feel like a little celebration before leaving Macau. Something about those little bites feels like a fitting farewell.

‘Inner Strength’ Treatment at The Spa

Peace and serenity awaits once you step inside the award-winning spa overlooking the breathtaking views of the Macau Tower and Nam Van Lake. I was ready to embark on a tranquillity journey in this opulent environment after the longest morning and day.
受賞歴のあるマンダリン オリエンタル マカオ のスパからも、マカオタワーと南灣湖の息を呑むような景色が一面に広がる。

Among other prestiges line of treatments, I was pulled toward the ‘Inner Strength’ menu. It is a nurturing treatment that use a blend of healing and balancing aromatherapy oils, where massage helps to ease physical tension and emotional anxiety resulting from a traumatic experience or stressful time in one's life.
長い一日が終わり、静寂なスパルームにたどり着いた私は、Inner Strength(インナーストレンス ‘内なる強さ’)というトリートメントメニューを選んでいた。 Inner Strengthは、癒しとバランスを与えるアロマオイルをブレンドしたトリートメント。マッサージによりプチトラウマ的な経験やストレスの多い時期から生じる身体的緊張や感情的不安を和らげてくれるもの。

Nobody seems to hurry here

Cozy afternoons melts into evenings when the long rays of the sun falls on the dappled waters of the Nam Van Lake estuary. A perfect balance of luxury and laid-back elegance, where everything feels effortless. Nobody seems to hurry here, time slows down, and that’s the beauty of Mandarin Oriental Macau.
のんびりとしたエレガンス… ここでは誰も急がず、ゆったりとした時間だけが、ただただ流れる、それがマンダリン オリエンタル マカオの魅力とも言える。