True Red Ginseng Ritual & Therapy
An authentic ritual & therapy place - Spa 1899 harnesses the power of Red Ginseng for improved inner and outer beauty. SPA 1899 was created by Korea Ginseng Corporation, the world’s leading expert in Red Ginseng since 1899, and today, we are able to experience the true Red Ginseng ritual & therapy in Seoul.
1899年から続いてきた紅参専門家・韓国人参公社によって誕生した SPA 1899は、
SPA 1899 multi-care packages delivers the concentrated energy of “One Drop per Root” Red Ginseng Oil to the entire body. These balanced treatments combine both facial and body care for a fully-rejuvenating experience and to be selected from the following 3 treatments.
Slow-Aging (1899 Line + Power Repair Line) *Signature Program
Signature treatments at SPA 1899 delivers the power of Red Ginseng for a complete anti-aging experience. Ideal for dry, mature skin. SPA 1899's unique dry and oil massage therapy techniques deliver these powerful anti-aging effects to the entire body for a sense of well-being and calm.
Purifying (Defense Line)
Detoxifying Red Ginseng treatments to strengthen skin’s natural defence properties and protect against environmental damage and pollution. Ideal for rejuvenating damaged or dull skin. A combination of Red Ginseng with SPA 1899's pumping therapy encourages the elimination of toxins from the body by maximizing the circulation of lymph nodes.
Balancing (Moisture Line)
Harmonizing treatment that delivers Red Ginseng to skin for a healthy, luminous look. Ideal for sensitive, aging and acne-prone skin.
「マルチケア トリートメント」は熟成された紅参エキスと、一本一滴に凝縮された紅参オイルのエネルギーを、バランスのとれたケアを通じて体験することができる SPA 1899のパッケージプログラム。下記の3つのトリートメントから選ぶことができます。
Slow-Aging (リペア効果)
時間がたつほど輝きが際立つ紅参の美しさをお伝えする SPA 1899のシグネチャートリートメント SPA 1899ならではの乾式セラピーとオイルセラピーの技法で アンチエイジング効能を全身の深いところまで行き届かせ、 肌の弾力改善にも効果的なトリートメント。
Purifying (デトックス・予防効果)
高麗人参から受け継がれた紅参の強靭な生命力を閉じ込め、外部環境に対する肌の自生力を育てるデトックストリートメント リンパの流れを最大限に高めるSPA 1899のポンピングセラピーで体内の毒素を取り除き、肌の血色改善にも効果的なトリートメント。
Balancing (保湿効果)
自然の水分エネルギーを閉じ込めた紅参の豊富な根保湿力により、バランスのとれたツヤ肌に導くバランストリートメント 肌の奥から油分と水分のバランスを整え、肌のバリア機能を強化してくれるトリートメント。
Just as these roots take a 6 year journey, growing patiently in the earth and gaining potency with each passing year, SPA 1899 takes you on a profound journey of the body and soul while adhering to traditional Korean Red Ginseng techniques. As the gentle scent of ginseng flower fills the space and the sounds of nature surrounds you, your five senses becomes healed.