Welcome to Chiva-Som Hua Hin ‘The Haven of Life’
A life changing destination where it is possible to balance all aspects of who you are: body, mind and spiritual self.
Located on the beautiful gulf of Hua Hin, approximately 3 hours drive away from Bangkok city is Chiva-Som. A place where one can experience a holistic approach that supports meaningful life change via highly personalised wellness journey, inside and out.
安寧の隠れ家 チバソム で
バンコク国際空港から車で3時間程の場所に、チバゾム という楽園がある。ここはビーチリゾートとウェルネスリトリートが共存した最高の環境を持つ究極のウェルネス デスティネーション。
世界有数のウェルネスリゾートでもあるチバソム では、専門ドクターによるメディカルチェックが行われ、個々に見合ったトレーニングコースをはじめ、目的にあった滞在スケジュールが提案され、肉体、精神、スピリチュアルのバランスを促してくれる。ここでは、日常の中で忘れかけている深い呼吸や、自分自身を内観するという一見簡単そうでそうではないことを無意識に行うことができる。
Just as with Zulal Wellness Resort, review of your goals, medical history, and nutritional programme with a Health and Wellness Advisor takes place as you settle in. Consultation ends after selecting the right retreat programme, treatments, and activities customised.
以前ご紹介した ズラル ウェルネス リゾート同様、チェックインを済ませた後、ヘルス&ウェルネス・アドバイザーとのコンサルテーションが行われ、ここでの目標やセラピー・栄養プログラムの確認が行われます。
From gentle discovery to targeted recovery, one can experience spa treatments, holistic healing, physio and fitness, healthy nutrition and beauty therapies, all of which can be modified. All spa treatments are focused to support the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual rejuvenation.
Chiva-Som Health Practitioners come together from all over the world and are leading practitioners of Traditional Chinese and Thai Medicine doctors, fitness experts, naturopaths, acupuncturists and specialists in many holistic and energy therapies.
チバソムは、中国伝統医学、タイ医学の医師、フィットネスの専門家、自然療法士、鍼灸師、ホリスティック・エネルギー療法のスペシャリストなど、世界各国からのヘルスプラクティショナーが在籍。又、スパ トリートメントやホリスティック ヒーリングから、理学療法、フィットネス、健康的な栄養療法、美容療法まで、幅広いウェルネス体験することができます。
12 daily classes, include sessions spent indoors, outdoors, in the pool or on the beach, where all activities are based in movement such as aqua, tai chi, stretching or yoga.
Along these wellness activities is a Traditional Thai cuisine preparation experience.
The understated design of the 54 rooms and suites helps one slow down and immerse the mind in the tropical gardens and sea views of the natural surroundings. Thai motifs: bamboo, silk, teak, and muted colours, blend with the spacious interior.
The Library is the only public place one is allowed to use the phone or other electric devices.
Wellness Cuisines of Chiva-Som
Chiva-Som’s chefs create ‘art’ with their culinary preparations. Not only nutritious but delicious, visual and flavour sensation.
Taste of Siam by the sea serves breakfast, lunch and dinner , where vegetables, and herbs used are grown in Chiva-Som’s certified organic garden.
海辺を面した テイスト オブ サイアム では朝食、ランチ、ディナーを提供しており、食材に使われる野菜やハーブはチバソム認定のオーガニック・ガーデンで栽培されたものを使用している。
Chiva-Som’s organic gardens are pivotal to its Wellness Cuisine concept, allowing the wellness resort to pick a range of fruit, vegetables, herbs and various edible plants, close from the kitchens.
チバソムのオーガニック ガーデンは、ウェルネスキュイジーヌのコンセプトにとって極めて重要で、リゾートのキッチンからとても近い場所で、果物、野菜、ハーブなどさまざまな食用植物を摘むことができる。
Chiva-Som delves deep in to the fact that wellbeing of people and our planet is intertwined, and takes its sustainability policies seriously, continually improving their performance in energy and water efficiency, minimising waste and delivers on these at every touchpoint of the guests’ experience.
Chiva-Som volunteers for the preservation of nearby mangroves, and educate our guests and staff about their huge biological value.
Each year Chiva-Som receive winning category awards for their retreats and programmes from tourist associations and international publications.
Life transforming journey starts here
World’s leading health and wellness resort Chiva Som is not just a digital detox paradise or a place to retreat and hide away from the distractions of our digital lives, but a place to immerse oneself in quiet contemplation and exploration of one’s deep self.
A place that reminds you how to breathe..
チバソム ヘルス&ウェルネスリゾート。